Tastes, Thoughts and Reviews |
tastes, trials and tribulations. Welcome to BeerTastes ®
my on - line beer review page. This page will have different
types of tastings; not just regular 'reviews' similar to many
already being done. No, similar to the event review page,
I will try to convey not only the actual tastes of different
beers but also something different about the setting, purchase,
availability or other cool details about each beer. Beer tasting
is fun; reading about them should be too! The beer world is
growing and so are the different tastes. Brewers are now aging
beers in various barrels and with different woods. Sour beers
are showing up at many events; and new styles are being brewed
up all the time. I will try as as many new beers and old as
time allows so, over time, this page will be a good reference
source on good beers all over. I also vow to keep it fun and
light; no beer snob types or going on about how bad big macro
brewers are. Beer is all about good times and good people;
let's keep it that way! Enjoy - Larry |
City Brewing Humidor Series Cedar Aged IPA
on the the trip to the Dunedin IPA fest; this was
a great find. Cigar City is about 2 years old and
really in the game when it comes to good beer and
interesting 'new' beers. This beer comes unfiltered
and bottle conditioned in a 750 ml bottle. It pours
a dark orange color with a fluffy head. Pepper and
citrus aromas are big. The pepper was a surprise but
really made this beer different. As I drank it I could
still smell pepper but it didn't dominate the taste.
The citrus dominated followed by the well balanced
cedar, hops and malts. The alcohol was not too evident
which allowed the citrus (grapefruit) flavor to come
out. The cedar aging is there but the citrus jumped
out immediately. The cedar aging really worked with
this beer. Compared to the base IPA, it became a mellower
beer with more complex tastes.This is a great drinkable
IPA; not like some of the west coast super hoppy IPAs
that hit you over the head with the hops. I enjoyed
it and now wish I had brought more home from the trip.
Update: Cigar City is now available through out Florida
and has many great beers to try.
Republic (CA) Hop Rod Rye IPA
have had several other brews from Bear but never tried
this one. Rye has really come into use in brewing
over the last 10 years. I saw this bottle in NC at
Asheville's Brusin
Ales and got it to try later. It was well worth
it and once again I am enjoying a beer not in Florida
yet!. The Rye IPA pours a deep copper color with fine
bubbles. It continued to bubble, slightly for the
first few minutes in the pint glass. The first nose
is big on the rye; then hops. Upon tasting I could
taste the rye and hops with notes of carmel. A slight
sweetness was detected I couldn't say if it was honey
or strawberry. It finished with a malty taste along
with the alcohol. At 8% this has a good kick but not
as much as something over 10% would. The bottle calls
is a specialty ale; it could be in a category of it's
own. It is medium bodied and very easy to drink. The
hops are there but not overwhelming. On a second tasting
the rye wasn't as dominant and the hops took over.
This could be because the bottle was put away sealed
and reopened about an hour after the first opening.
This can have an effect but could tell how the entire
bottle was not just the first pour. Over all I'm looking
forward to my next visit north to get more.
Bear Republic Website
(PA) Hop Wallop DIPA
have enjoyed this beer before in North Carolina.
I get a bomber bottle and have 2 pints at 'happy
hour' and then have something mellower with dinner.
Victory finally came to FL about a year or two ago
and I welcome the new beers. The regular line up
has 6 beers; each with it's own contribution to
a solid line up. So, I was pleasantly surprised
to see this in six packs at my local Whole Foods
Market. The label says "A Very Hoppy Ale"
and it delivers. I poured it into a pint glass and
it got a short lasting head of 1 finger. The color
is light for an IPA; orange to straw colors. The
photo at the left is accurate. Notice that I am
getting better with lighting; I found an old lighting
bar, with 4 photo lights, from an old 8 mm movie
camera. (Circa 1950's) By playing around I have
been getting better results. The nose was very piney;
not much hops. The hops waited until drinking. The
piney taste is throughout; very hoppy and on the
tongue and finish. This is so hoppy that the hops
cover up whatever malt taste there might have been.
That, of course, is as advertised. There is a bitter
drying sensation at the end. The mouth feel was
medium to heavy and the alcohol 8.5% is evident.
Overall it is a decent DIPA; not my everyday beer
but will be enjoyed again in the future. See Victory's
website for many more good beers!
Insanity - Ale Aged in Oak Barrels
all it says on the bottle. Upon checking their website
I found that Insanity is Weyerbacher's own Blithering
Idiot Barleywine, a fine English Style Barleywine
itself, aged in oak bourbon casks. The regular stuff
can be a bit rough; the oak aging really takes the
edge off and the result is a really smooth drinking
ale. This bottle was about two years old; I had forgotten
it in the back of my refrigerator. So it was aged
in cooler surroundings than some would prefer; I think
it just slows the process down and didn't hurt this
one. It poured complete with "flavor particles"
suspended throughout the glass; that didn't detract
form the drink at all. The color was dark copper to
bronze; on the first pour I thought it was darker.
What little head there was dissipated immediately
leaving lace on the glass. The "musty" taste
of aging was detected and a sweet taste and a whisky
taste was there. Other tastes noted were: toffee,
carmel and vanilla. I got a cherry nose at times;
sometimes the nose was bourbon. Aging did good tings
to this; as it warmed is also got better. That's when
the whisky tastes really came out. Hops not a big
part of this but that's correct for the style. it
would be interesting to try an American style of this
beer. The alcohol gave a warming feeling but is masked
well considering it is 11 ABV. Overall a great beer
that I will age and enjoy many more times. Weyerbacher
Insanity Website
Hop Czar Imperial IPA
have had Bridgeport IPA before and it is a traditional
British style IPA. It's a good one but really doesn't
excite me. When I bring it home from NC I usually have
a few and some disappear to the back of the 'fridge
to be forgotten for months. So, when I saw that they
had an Imperial version I was ready to give it a try.
This time it worked in reverse; I drank 5 up in NC and
only one made it back to FL; it's pictured to the left.
I did like it more than the regular; it was bitter and
had good hoppiness. It pours a copper color with hints
of pine and citurs for the nose. Medium bodied it drank
well. The hops stood out; it is a well balanced blend
of 4 different hops. This was a pleasant surprise first
noted when I had several on vacation. It's worth bringing
home; as can happen I got the last 6 pack and they were
out my next time in. I bought this and other beers at
my favorite local beer store in Highlands, NC.
Bridgeport Website |
Lucky 13 Mondo Large Red Ale
amber red ale comes in 22 oz bombers only. It is
seasonal so I got it right away when I saw it at
the local Whole Foods. It was made for the breweries'
13th anniversary and remade because it was a favorite.
The first thing I got was a slight smell of apples.
This was only as I opened the bottle and for the
first few sips. The pour ended up with a solid finger
of head which stayed around for the entire glass
leaving lace along the sides. The apple yielded
to carnal and hops. The hops really stood out after
a few sips and got stronger as I drank more. As
expected with a red ale there was some maltiness
and that balanced well with the hops. This is a
great easy drinking ale and the alcohol is hidden
well The ABV is 8.56% and it doesn't show it. (I'm
just wondering how they figure these percentages
into 2 decimal places; could it be 8.57% or 8.55%?
And how could they really know?) This was enjoyed
and it's too bad they don't make it year round.
I was able to score another and look forward to
it. As with all Laguitas beers read the label; it
always has something strange or funny to give you
while you enjoy their high quality great beers.
Happy Anniversary! Lagunitas
Magic Hat Blind Faith IPA |
your beer tasting event today! © larrygoeser.com |