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Brewpub, Brewery and Beer Bar reviews and other adventures.

The review pages chronicle some of my travels for and with craft beer. The reviews start with the latest and work back to older travels. The travels usually are road trips where the trips were planned around good beer. On early trips it was hit or miss, as the internet and the industry grew it became easier to find places and plan to visit. I would like to work back to the mid nineties when the good beer travels started. Many of the places will be gone but the adventure is still there. I recall a 1997 trip to Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming. We started in Denver, where most of the brewpubs are still there. Some of the names are familiar; Wynkoop, Breckenridge, Rock Bottom and The Sandlot at Coors baseball field. Along the way we drank the "big three" in a "brewery" in Larime Wyoming and enjoyed Firehouse Brewing in South Dakota. The trip then went across Wyoming including Humphries in Gillette and the Yellowstone Park bars which were just introducing the concept of buying locally for most supplies. They had good beer at every concession in the park, (they still do) the big three nowhere to be seen. The beers were all local; Scape Goat Ale from Blue Sky (Montana) Brewing, a beer produced by Rogue (Oregon) Brewery for the 150th anniversary of the park to name a few. The people all enjoyed it, we never heard any complaint about the beers which were "strange" to the uninitiated. In 2006 I visited again; things have really changed! I enjoy traveling to new areas and being outdoors. Most days start out early and a visit to a National Park or local attraction will happen. I enjoy hiking and just driving through the mountains of any area. The trips are all about relaxing and enjoying where you are and the people you are around. While the trips do revolve around the good beers, they are only one part of some great trips that have been had over the last many years. Recently I have been visiting New England and enjoying the craft beers of the area and some beautiful scenery. Each year has it's own stories and beers. The listings work back by year; read on and hoppy travels! There are links below to earlier years.

2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015  
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Older
Barley Belgian Golden Ale Beer with Foam Head Hops Beer and Food Like Larry on Facebook
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Drink Good Beer...where ever you are! xx
