Beer |
available when and where you need them
Classes available
include the 'six pack' described below
as well as other craft beer related classes.
class is a complete class on it's own. There are handouts
for all the curriculum in each class. Most classes have several
handouts; some go with several classes. "How to Taste
Beer" is a good example of material that will be relevant
in more that one class. There are Power Point presentations
for all six classes as well. Everything will be customized
for the person or organization receiving the class. Logos,
special sections or new material can all be added to existing
class material to make it yours. Contact
us today about customized classes.
Beer Server Class
Since I have achieved the Cicerone Certified Beer Server (CBS)
designation I can help you or your employees do the same.
Following the Cicerone syllabus I have created a comprehensive
study guide and support classes to go with it. This was done
as a way to study the material and to be able to teach others
the importance of the Cicerone program and the associated
material. When the class is completed the student will be
fully prepared for the certification exam. They will also
be well on their way on the rank of Certified Cicerone, the
next level of the program. The CBS designation is useful for
anyone interested in craft beer knowledge and almost required
for craft beer related jobs. Contact
me for more on this exciting new class. Learn more about Cicerone
from Miami Culinary Institute
course description for the beer classes originally at MCI: Learn all
about craft beers: how they are made, their history, the many
varied styles available and taste a few along the way. Explore
the various tastes of beers and how to have your own beer
tasting. The classes consist of 2 hour sessions, each dedicated
to something different about the craft beer movement now taking
hold worldwide. Some class photos
are below. View and Print Class
Poster (PDF).
six classes are now part of our "Six Pack" of Classes
available to any organization large or small. You can have
just one class or all six. You design your own personal 'six
pack'. Each class is described below and can include a tasting
as well. We also offer training on all aspects of beer for
bars, restaurants and hotels. At off hours we come in and
help train your staff to become more aware of the current
craft beer scene and the beers available. Then they can talk
beer with knowledge and confidence which will help the business
increase sales. Everyone wins here; the customer finds a knowledgeable
staff that knows beer and discover that the venue has craft
beer available. The employee has good knowledge to direct
customers to certain beers that they will like. This will
generate goodwill and tips. The business lets people know
what beers they have and increases repeat business as well
as more sales for the bar in general. Overall communication
is increased so the business can adapt to the changing market
and please it's customers both new and old. Contact
us today for more information on how we can help you increase
customer appreciation, employee satisfaction and beer sales.
Classes listed below are "mix and match";
choose what you want when you want it.

# 1. The history of beer. Beer and the rise of civilization.
Learn about beer from 4000 BC to the modern American
craft beer movement. Beer history starts almost 6000
years ago and the brewing advances have been many. Louis
Pasteur's discoveries and their importance to modern
beer bottling operations. See how beer has advanced
throughout history. |
Class # 2 The Brewing
Process. Discuss the six stages of the brewing process:
Malt, Mash, Brew Kettle, Fermentation, Aging / Conditioning
and Carbonation. Introduction to beer tasting and what
to look for while tasting beer. How to Taste Beer. Introduction
to Beer Styles. |
# 3 Beer Styles. In depth discussion of styles of beer;
how they came about and how they are changing. Show
the different glassware for various styles and why they
developed. How two beers of the same style can be totally
different. Modern American Craft brewers. Introduce
flavor profiles and how they relate to beer tasting.
Brewers Association Style Guidelines. (PDF) |
# 4. Beer and Food. Introduce beer and food pairings
now popular at breweries and pubs nationwide. Flavor
profiles as they relate to beer and food. The beer flavor
wheel. Food pairing and food intensity; how different
foods react to other foods and beer. Cooking with beer.
How to plan food and beer pairings with different food
groups. Beer and cheese, meats, veggies and more. Beer
dinner planning. |
# 5 German and Belgian Beers. Discuss German styles
and how they differ from English styles. The German
purity law of 1516 and its effects still happening today.
Many different tastes and styles. All flavors come only
from the 4 ingredients in the law.
Belgian styles and how they came about and their rising
popularity in today’s market.
# 6 The Business of Beer. Discuss the many regulations
related to beer in today's market. The three tier system
and it's effects on the market. Other laws including
bottle size laws, brewpub and small breweries regulations
and blue laws. Define 'craft brewer' as related to size,
ownership and product. Beer taxes; both state and federal.
Many other daily happenings of any beer business will
be studied. |
and print Original Class Flyer (PDF) |
Good Beer! © larrygoeser.com |